Kiki's after surgery / recovery story

We found tiny lump in her tummy in August 2018.

We visited vet on December. Luckily it's benign so I decided to leave it. 
The main reason I decided to see how it is going was that Lilly has 2-3 small lumps.
Over the time it's got smaller and stay in same condition over 4 years.

However, it was different in Kiki's case. It'd been slowly grew over the year and it got larger and larger rapidly from July. We visited vet on August and decided to remove it. 

The surgery was booked on end of September when both Mr. & I could take a week holiday.

We have a couple of the important days on September but I told Mr. I wanted to celebrate after the everything is done. 

So our 2nd wedding anniversary, Lilly and Kiki 10th birthday and Downtown abbey the movie has to be set aside. 

Kiki came home in late afternoon on next day after the surgery.

Kiki seemed to disorientate and she couldn't recognised us at first. 
She looked much better when we got home. 
She ate home made chicken & rice dinner well. 

The first night,  J and I both didn't sleep. We were next to Kiki at all the time.

Next morning, Kiki seemed in pain. 
But she enjoyed her breakfast.

Kiki hated when Lilly's around.



She didn't mind I have a look the wound.

She can have normal food from day 3. 

Lilly expected hers when every time Kiki had food with medicine.
So they both had smaller meals in 4 times a day. 

I'd see Kiki felt much better now in her eyes.

She comfortably rolled over and allow me to see her wound when I asked.

Kiki ate well without any vomiting.
She had a good appetite but her guts weren't agreed.

She burped and belched a lot all day and smell was horrible.
I'd see her digestive system is not fully recovered yet. 

Dinner is served with anti-inflimantory drug.

She was reluctant to put E collar so I changed smaller one.
It sort of helped everyone. 

Cod with oat porridge, I made the food that help to build good bacteria in gut.

We had a walks everyday except rainy day.
I was worried at some point because she had too much energy.

The last anti biotic medicine.

I gave meat only dinner to celebrate that Kiki finished all course of after surgery medicines.

We visited vet after 10 days later. the stitches were removed and everything was all fine!
We are all free from the E-collar! (Now I could sleep all night!!!)

We got a call from vet 10 days later after we visited for final check up and it was also the good new.
Kiki's tumor is benign. Happy days!

Let's never do it again!