Walk Nymans

It's sunny day like today in last year. 

We popped in Nymans for the first time. I'd been curious about this place for a while.
Because I see the big brown sign on A23 every time we passed this area.

I took this photo we were on the way in the car. Lilly look like Lilly in this photo. 

As soon as we passed the door to enter this place, I was stunned by the view.

In Nymans, dogs are welcome but only with short lead. 
They kindly provide short leads in the visitor reception. 

It was shame that we only got around 40 mins to spend in there. 
Because Mr. has meeting to attend in Brighton in the afternoon.

The ruins was beautiful.

What a unique feature.

We had a wonderful time and we promised we come back here again soon.
But... it's been a year already gone and we are back to Nymans this weekend.

I walked the beach with L&K while he went the meeting.
After meeting was finished we went to one of my favourite place in Brighton for coffee, The Flour Pot Bakery.

It's only about 4 :15 pm and the Sun started to down.

Time to stop play and let go home, Kiki.